Lease Financing Program
Sign Star has partnered with AEL Financial, LLC to provide our valued customers with alternative ways to acquire our products. With a lease financing plan you can:
- Preserve Cash and Credit Lines – You should take advantage of an alternative, competitive credit line and keep your cash flow and working capital lines intact.
- Generate Income or Savings from the system before paying for it – You get the benefits of increased sales while you pay for the sign.
- 100% Total System Financing at Fixed Rates with One Low Monthly Payment – With a fixed payment, you hedge against rising interest rates and AEL allows 100% financing for up to 60 months, including software!
- Get the system you really want, rather than the one you can pay cash for – Sometimes customers go with a lesser system due to budgetary constraints. By using our leasing plan, you get the solution you need and stay within your budget.
- Skip, Step and Delayed Payment Programs – AEL can structure a payment plan to fit your budget.
- Minimal Up Front Costs – In most cases, we can start building your sign with as little as 2 advance monthly payments.